How to Protect Your Pet and Your HVAC This Fall
Your pet had a great summer. You went to the park, the lake, the beach, and for long walks around the neighborhood. You dealt with the shedding, bathed away sweaty dog smells, and kept your friend cool on the hottest days. Now temperatures are falling and you’re looking forward to sharing the holidays with your furry friend. Here’s how to optimize indoor air quality for you both.
Change Air Filters Regularly
Just like changing the oil in your car keeps your engine running smoothly, changing your system’s air filter prevents a variety of problems, especially if you have pets. HVAC filters with a MERV rating of eight or higher are the best choice for removing allergens, contaminants, and pollutants.
Caulk Your Pet Door
Your pet isn’t the only thing that goes in and out. When the weather changes, cold fall air does, too. Caulk around your door so it seals when it’s closed to keep your heating and cooling system from working harder than it must.
Have Your Ducts Inspected
If you have pets, leaky ducts can be even more of a problem than they are for homes occupied only by humans. Pet hair and dander float through the air and into your ductwork, where they obstruct airflow. Seal any leaks and have an expert clean your ducts.
Schedule Routine Maintenance
All homeowners should have regular HVAC maintenance. Pet owners benefit from scheduling maintenance in the spring before switching on their cooling system and in the fall to prepare for cooler months. Pet hair can accumulate in unexpected areas to reduce system efficiency and cause it to wear out faster, but an experienced technician can spot the danger signs and help you keep your system hair and dander free.
A maintenance check from Rivers Plumbing, Heating and Air in Pleasanton checks electrical connections, makes sure your unit is lubricated, clears the condensate drain, and evaluates system controls. Prepare to enjoy cooler weather with your pet when you contact us today.