Back to School HVAC Advice

Back-to-school time is one of the busiest times of the year for families, and sometimes, home repairs and maintenance get put aside while you focus on your children — or another year of teaching if you are an educator. With a few simple actions, you can ensure you are not slapped with an expensive and time-consuming HVAC repair when you least need another thing on your plate.

Air Conditioning Maintenance

Though the hot summer days are likely starting to dwindle, take a moment to stock up on air filters for your HVAC unit. Check your AC unit now because you will still use it for several weeks. Filters are inexpensive and easy to store, and you won’t be caught empty-handed when you realize you need to change the filter out. 

It is easy to forget how helpful a clean air filter can be, but it can help you save money on your monthly bill and keep your unit cooling effectively. Additionally, routinely changing out the filter can help prolong the life span of the AC unit itself — letting you avoid the pricey investment of needing to replace the entire unit for much longer. 

Check-in With a Professional

You may think you are pressed for time, but scheduling a preventive visit with an HVAC specialist, especially if it’s been a while since your HVAC system was checked, is a good idea. Before you’re back in full swing into the school year with all its demands on your time, take this opportunity to get an expert opinion on anything that needs tweaking before it becomes an emergency later on. Contact Rivers Plumbing, Heating & Air today so we can help you stay comfortable this fall and save money, too. 

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