The Impacts of Winter on Your Plumbing

As the seasons change, residents of Pleasanton, California, are fortunate enough to experience relatively mild weather. However, that doesn’t mean that winter is entirely without its challenges. On the rare occasions where the temperature is low enough to freeze, many homeowners find themselves ill-equipped to deal with the consequences, resulting in burst pipes that require expensive repairs. Here are a few problems that are often overlooked:

  1. Frozen Water Line

This is the line that delivers water to your home from the city. Because it is located outside of the house, homeowners often fail to include it on the list of plumbing systems to monitor in the winter. However, the pipes in your water line are also prone to freezing and bursting if the conditions are right. An experienced plumber from Rivers Plumbing, Heating and Air can examine your water line and install pressure relief valves throughout the line if necessary.

  1. Frozen Interior Pipes

In addition to your water line, your household pipes can also freeze in certain scenarios. The most likely place for such an incident is within any plumbing system that leads to the outdoors. This is why homes generally are equipped with a valve, which can shut off water from entering that exterior system. Shutting off that valve and flushing those pipes before the winter is the best way to prevent them from bursting later on.

  1. Water Heater Failure

The average household consumption of hot water in the winter is far greater than during the summer months. This may seem like a simple enough observation, but it also means that your water heater is working harder than usual in the winter. In addition, because the water being fed to your home through the water line is colder in the winter, it takes more time and energy for your heater to increase the temperature to the desired level. All of this can cause significant strain on your heater, leading to water heater failure. The plumbers at Rivers Plumbing, Heating and Air can examine your water heater ahead of time to ensure it is equipped to handle the task.

Whether you’re looking for assistance with plumbing, maintenance, or need to schedule a service call to deal with a major plumbing issue, our experienced technicians are ready to help. To get started, simply contact Rivers Plumbing, Heating & Air by dialing 925-846-6000.

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